In Memory of Sarah Bankson Newton
To the Esperanza Community:
It is with a heavy heart that I share that we recently learned of the sudden loss of our beloved and remarkable board chair, Sarah Bankson Newton. Undoubtedly, this was a deep loss for her family and friends — and for our school. I’m grieving as well. In many ways, I’m still in shock. Sarah was not only a remarkable and dedicated board chair, she was a remarkable and dedicated friend to me and many others. Over the years I’ve known Sarah, she became an increasingly essential part of my life. Indeed, I owe her a great deal not only for what she had done for the school but also what she had done for me as its leader.
I know we all feel the weight of her absence now. In thinking about what I wanted to say to you, I found myself composing a letter to Sarah — as a way to express my immense admiration and gratitude for her commitment to the school and her support for me as a head of school and as a friend.
I’m sharing my letter here.
Jadi Taveras
Dear Sarah,
History will note that, among all your remarkable accomplishments in your personal and professional life, you were the board chair at Esperanza Academy from 2019 to 2021 and had been involved since 2007. But what the world also needs to know is that you were our biggest champion and, to me, a dear friend. Over the last few days, I have found myself wanting to wake up from the thought of not being able to speak to you again. It’s impossible to imagine that through all of life’s challenges and celebratory moments to come that I won't be able to call you, to hear your voice, to share the moment, to benefit from your calm and wisdom and insight.
While I want the world to know that, for the past several years, you were the school’s guiding light, I want you to know that you were my rock.
As a young school finding its way, Esperanza struggled for so many years. But now, because of you, Esperanza is as strong as it has ever been. As you would say to me often, “You'll never meet anyone who loves governance more than I do.” Because of your leadership, our board is as strong as it's ever been. Because of your leadership, we are a school with a fierce commitment to justice. Because of your leadership, Esperanza is facing systemic racism head-on. Because of your leadership, our kids attend an excellent school every year for free. Because of your leadership, ours is a school with deep institutional integrity. In a world where children of color are facing the unfair burdens of systemic racism, Esperanza stands apart — and so much of the credit goes to you.
As my board chair, you also protected and respected my integrity as a man of color leading an independent school. I never needed to code-switch with you. My authenticity mattered too much to you. You made it possible for me to always be fully present. My stories, my fears, my insecurities, my happiness, my pain, and my dreams, they were all nestled securely in our board chair/head of school relationship and, more importantly, in our friendship. I owe so much to you. You knew the names of everyone who works at Esperanza, you knew their personal stories, you asked me about them every time we talked; whether a colleague just had their first child, or they were mourning a loss of a relative, or if you simply just wanted to reach out, they all got personal hand written notes from you with love, affection and affirmation. Beyond Esperanza, you treated everyone that you met from all walks of life with the humanity that they deserved. It’s hard to underscore how central you are to our lives. I don't know how to thank you for being such an honorable and loving person to us all. I never met anyone with a heart quite like yours.
Sarah, you stood apart. You were born with something in you that made you love harder and deeper than most. You didn't mince your words about what is right. You had a clear north star and so many people's lives are better for it. There were dreams that you and I shared for Esperanza. I promise you, I will see them through. I promise you that the board, our faculty/staff and I will be strong in the continuous fight for justice. I promise you that we will continue to create a school that is centered around love. And I now know that our dreams will forever be accompanied by that beautiful, thousand-word smile of yours.
I will remember you this way, too — a snapshot of the way you would cherish the moment: Your ferry landing in Nantucket, you walking off the ramp, putting your bags down, closing your eyes, letting the scent of the ocean and the Nantucket breeze fully embrace you — and then taking a breath and slowly exhaling, knowing you had arrived home.
Over the past several years, you’ve made it possible for Esperanza to breathe deeply and freely as well. We love you and will always miss you.
Jadi and the Esperanza Family
P.S. Wednesdays at 1:00pm will always be blocked for you.