Core Value : Justice

We make every decision through the lens of Justice.

Guiding Principles for Justice

  • Utilize restorative practices with students and with adults

  • Build community, explore options, value individual voices, and resolve differences.  

  • Reflect the Episcopal Tradition stated in the baptismal covenant as “Respecting the dignity of every human being.”  

  • Provide resources to equitably meet the needs of students such as technology access, music therapy, art, inclusive worship, and nutrition. 

  • Communicate in multiple ways with various constituents. 

  • Develop and demonstrate cultural competency and interact as empathetic co-collaborators.

Key Priorities for Justice

  • Create RJ components for in-person and remote learning 2) Provide staff/faculty the PD resources to develop RJ components.

  • Develop options for Fac/Staff sick time and COVID needs

  • Creating clear and explicit norms, guidelines, and shared expectations for the learning community; Communicating these clearly and consistently (using different forms of communication)

  • Grading and evaluation: Establish how learners will demonstrate progress

  • Consider the needs for students and their families/Take into consideration the academic and socio-emotional needs of each student in the moment.

  • Design a food plan for in-school days (Ensure students are eating while in school)

  • Health safety. Ensure we are following state guidelines: providing the necessary/appropriate personal protective equipment for students, faculty, staff; develop a protocol for maintaining clean spaces.