Esperanza in action.
Closing the Imagination Gap through Literature
English teacher, Kristina Dolce, talks about the ways that literature can help close the imagination gap in her students. By selecting books that feature powerful female characters, she is able to help her students see themselves in roles that perhaps they never thought possible.
Why Lawrence.
Esperanza's Head of School Jadi Taveras is on a mission to show the world what's possible when you come from Lawrence. "If you are a girl from Lawrence, you can rock this world!" Check out this 4-minute video produced by Lawrence Partnership, a collaborative effort to promote growth and vitality in Lawrence.
Music Therapy
Esperanza’s full-time Music Therapist, Cynthia Koskela, discusses her path to becoming a music therapist.
Summer Session
The Esperanza approach includes an 11-month school year. The Esperanza Summer Session, which takes place in July, is designed to engage our students and expose them to new experiences and situations.
Why Esperanza Matters- Community Voices
We have begun to ask our community Why Esperanza Matters. Here’s what they say:
We like to have a little fun too!
Projects from around the school, enjoy!